Tuckahoe Schools Featuring New Security For New Year

EASTCHESTER, N.Y. – When students in Tuckahoe returned to the classroom last month, they did so with an enhanced security system that was funded through a capital grant and longtime benefactor.

The Generoso Pope Foundation provided the funds for Tuckahoe to implement new school security features.

The Generoso Pope Foundation provided the funds for Tuckahoe to implement new school security features.

Photo Credit: File

William E. Cottle Elementary School, as well as the Tuckahoe Middle School and High School, saw several upgrades to their security protocols over the summer through a grant from the Generoso Pope Foundation.

Administrators, security personnel and other district staff members have been equipped with two-way walkie-talkies to improve communication during emergencies when phone and cell lines may become compromised.

The devices connect the staff with one another in both buildings and can also be used to reach the Tuckahoe and Eastchester Police Department.

The schools each feature new visitor identification software that was also funded by the foundation. The new system will scan a visitor’s driver’s license, instantly checking it against the national sex offender registry. If someone is flagged, administrators and police are automatically alerted.

The total cost of the walkie-talkies and new Raptor identification system was nearly $40,000. Other improvements – courtesy of a $63,000 capital improvement grant – this year include safety glass, upgraded locks on doors and single-entry access doors with alarms.

New Superintendent Barbara Nuzzi said that Tuckahoe has adopted a continuous approach to safety and security district-wide.

“Once again, we are extremely grateful to the Pope Foundation for providing Tuckahoe Schools with invaluable resources for our students and staff,” she said. “School safety is first and foremost among schools across the country, and most of us struggle with dedicating all of the funds it requires.”

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